Chloe Goddard | Virtual Assistant

Social Media Management

Done for you social media packages, taking away the hassle of social media and allowing you to claim back your time!

This is for the coach who...

Understands the value of marketing, is planning to scale her business this year, and is ready to get going.

Is going through a period of growth and scaling, and no longer has the capacity to do her own social media anymore.

Knows the value that social media has and how it’s vital to land clients but despite this has been letting social media slip.

Is ready to stop using valuable time creating content and start using it to scale and grow.

Does it sound like YOU?

You’re crazy busy with coaching, and when you’re not coaching you’re making your way through your to-do list. Which means social media is always your last priority and never gets done.

You don’t even know where to start with creating strategic content that converts and often just post for the sake of posting.

You feel like social media is a total time suck You’re spending hours on content creation but you could be putting those hours to better use.

Although you’re posting regularly, you struggle to get consistent leads and you’re ready to just give up.

You HATE social media and dread the task which means it’s never a priority and always becomes a ‘tomorrow’ job.

Sometimes you get so stuck with social media you just wish you had someone to ask for advice.


You Could Have

Social Media Strategy

A social media strategy that will attract dream clients to your page.

Social Media Support

Support that is going to keep your visibility up and your consistency so you can reach your following goals. Ultimately helping you to scale and grow your biz.

Weekly Content Created

Weekly content created that attracts and converts. Have dream clients knocking on your door!

Explore The Packages


£350 PM


£550 PM


£850 PM



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